Week 2.
16 January 2023 -
23 January 2023


Good news! I heard back from Christa Sommerer, which I was not expecting at all!

I spent some time thinking about what I'd like to ask her. Andreas advised that I keep the questions to a maximum of 5-6, so I took some time to study Interactive Plant Growing once again and formulated the following questions:

Time to wait and see if she replies!

Stole this picture from Andreas. Thanks!

We also met as a group, and during the class, I realised that I hadn’t made as much progress as I perhaps should’ve over the holidays. I demoed the Axidraw prototype to the class and some key feedback points received from my classmates were:

1. Can try to utilise using other plant-related characteristics like flowers and even fruits as sites for touch-based tangible input

2. Can reinforce the conceptual connection between the plant and the Axidraw! The Axidraw looks cool and everything, but there is a disconnect between why specifically I chose to use it.

This feedback was extremely useful and moving forward, I will try to reinforce the conceptual basis of using the Axidraw as a drawing tool and as a vehicle for representing outputs.

Documentation of experiments for dissertation

As I work on my dissertation, I've realized the importance of using super clean diagrams and images to support my writing. So, I am re-documenting some experiments from last semester, especially the capacitive sensing one:

Currently, I am becoming more serious about writing my dissertation and finishing up my dissertation paragraph. It takes up so much of my time which is quite frustrating as it feels I have no progress to show. However, the dissertation is of priority, at least until week 7, so I apologise in advance if my CPJ is particularly bare until then!